This was a good trip. Mauritania 2013. On the iron ore train. Nouadhibou, Nouakchot to Zouerat. Here the wonderful partsofreality stops at St. Exupery’s house.
Kid Quai, left, and Nova, hang out in a convenience store after shooting a music video. Meadville, PA
Another picture from an old roll. This time from Los Angeles.
Having just been shamed by the social media gurus at NPR for my long break from tumblr I thought I’d start back up with one of my more recent photographs. This one was taken during a recent research trip. The forthcoming project is about the lobster industry in Maine. In recent years the Gulf of Maine has seen a glut of lobsters. Some research scientist believe this abundance is due to the over fishing of the lobster’s competition and predators coupled with a rise in sea temperatures which makes the lobsters more fecund. Others say it is simply due to the cyclical nature of the ocean. Regardless the effect is the same; the price of lobster is the lowest it’s been in decades.
Khohk, waiting to rap at a concert in Pikine, Dakar, Senegal. From the filming of an upcoming project I have been working on with my lovely wife Claire Harbage. Check for updates here and on her and her vimeo.
Claire. Dakar, Senegal.
Headed back into it.
I went to a rodeo.
I met a man who lived across the street from a Confederate Cemetery in the center of a predominantly African-American community in Columbus, Ohio. He showed me the gravestones of two of his relatives…”the bad apples of the family tree.”
And. While I’ve actually got four seconds to do something. Here is a picture from the amazing road trip I took out here with the lovely drawnandcolored. Badlands.
One from the aforementioned “Monuments.” Lee Friedlander.
I believe we can all agree that Lee Friedlander’s books “American Monument” and “Letters from the People” are two of the greatest photo books of all time. They both showcase an absolute mastery of the camera, cunning instinct, and a conceptual simplicity that is genius.
Here is one from “Letters”.
Maybe I just made some kind of ad?
Looking through the archives and keeping with the theme.
And. Something summery from Garry Winogrand’s “Women Are Beautiful”
More summer.
Once again, glad to see some clouds in LA.
this wasn’t taken today. but it’s always nice to see some clouds in LA during the summer.